Actor Karisma Kapoor recently graced the stage of India's Best Dancer as a special guest along with Suniel Shetty. The show is judged by Malaika Arora, Terence Lewis, and Geeta Kapur. In a promo clip from the upcoming episode, Karisma is seen sharing an anecdote from her sister Kareena Kapoor Khan's wedding.
Karisma recalled an incident about Malaika that took place during Kareena and Saif Ali Khan's wedding in 2012. She said, "Main ek baat batana chahungi TV pe ki humari group mein India's best choreographer (pointing at Malaika) Malla." Karisma Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor are best friends with Malaika Arora and her sister Amrita Arora.
“Bebo ki shaadi ke time mein bhi so serious. Hum log thoda sangeet practice ho raha hai, hass rahe hai, baatein kar rahe hai and Malla (went), 'Do the step properly, didn't I show you? (Moves her waist) hilao theek se," she added.
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Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan got married on October 16, 2012. They had a court marriage followed by a wedding reception for family and friends. The couple welcomed their first child in 2016 and became parents for the second time in February this year.
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