Amitabh Bachchan, who is hosting children on the show this week, was asked to attempt touching his nose using his tongue. The actor tried his best to fulfill a challenge proposed by a young contestant on Kaun Banega Crorepati 13 but gave up.
In a recent promo shared by the makers, the young boys said, "I want to challenge everyone and see if they can do this or not” and he then touched his nose with his tongue. "Eh! You can touch your nose with your tongue?" a surprised Amitabh Bachchan replied.
Big B immediately tried but failed. "Mera toh ho hi nahi raha. Mooch tak gaya, baaki gaya hi nahi (I'm unable to do it. It touched my mustache but not my nose),” he said.
The contestant then licked his elbow and the host tried to imitate that as well. "Arre, baap re, mera toh haath hi nahi lag raha (I am not able to reach my arm)." The audience also tried but couldn't. He added that it was difficult. The child also touched his chest with his tongue, which made Big B ask him, "Your tongue isn't fake, right?" He tried to touch his chest but couldn't and gave up.
Besides challenging the actor, the young contestant also displayed his rap skills. He sang about coronavirus bringing life to a standstill and requesting the virus to leave.
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Kaun Banega Crorepati 13 dedicated a week to children. A bunch of young contestants sat on the hot seat and played the quiz game. Besides posing questions, Amitabh also shared some funny anecdotes with the contestants.
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