Shahid Kapoor’s better half Mira Rajput seemed to have taken a fun dig at Karan Johar’s film Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham in her latest post and trust us this is not the first and last time she is making jokes on Karan. She shared a photo with Shahid, and asked if ‘she could fix his tie on a stool’, which is a reference to Jaya Bachchan in K3G, who would stand on a stool to fix Amitabh Bachchan’s tie.
Mira Kapoor captioned her post, “Shall we frame this in life-size for the living room, while I fix your tie on a stool?” She also gave the hashtag #Parampara.
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The photo and its witty caption took the internet by storm as fans flooded Mira’s comment section with hearts and one even wrote, “Absolutely!” Another commented, “My favourite couple!” A third wrote, “You both have my heart.”
While some gave it back to her with sarcasm saying ‘You are not that short, you can skip the stool’
Mira Kapoor’s Instagram is full of aesthetic pictures with witty captions. Being an English honors graduate Mira sure does know how to use her wit with words. Her videos and posts never fail to entertain her fans. Recently, she shared a video tour of the Maldives property, where the couple stayed last month. She wrote in her caption that she is daydreaming about ‘going back to the warm days and barefoot walks.’
Shahid and Mira got married in 2015. They welcomed Misha in 2016, and their son Zain was born in 2018.
On the work front, Shahid was last seen on screen in Kabir Singh. He will soon be seen in the sports drama Jersey, the Hindi remake of the popular Telugu hit of the same name.
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