Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa tied the knot in Chandigarh on November 15 after 11 long years of courtship. The couple had a beautiful wedding ceremony at a hotel in Chandigarh and got married in the presence of their family and friends.
After the wedding, the couple had shared pictures from the ceremony and officially announced their marriage. "Finally after 11 years of love, romance, friendship and fun, I got married to my everything today, my soulmate, my best friend, my family. Today there is no greater happiness for me than being called your husband @patralekhaa. Here’s to forever .. and beyond," Rajkummar wrote.
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On Saturday, Rajkummar shared a couple more happy pictures from the ceremony. The groom and the bride look loved up in the pictures and just can't seem to contain their excitement. Sharing the pictures Rajkummar shared a heart emoji in the caption.
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Meanwhile, Rajkummar Rao resumed work three days after the wedding. He is currently in Lucknow shooting for his upcoming film Bheed directed by Anubhav Sinha.
ALSO READ: Patralekhaa’s sister welcomes Rajkummar Rao to the family with this unseen picture from the wedding
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