Dharmendra on Sunday shared a bunch of photos and videos of a trip to Himachal Pradesh with his son, actor Sunny Deol. The veteran actor expressed his joy about going on a trip with his elder son Sunny.
Sharing a photo of himself and Sunny, Dharmendra wrote, “Friends, I am extremely happy. My darling son took me for a holiday to beautiful Himachal. Lovely trip, A shy and introverted Sunny is opening up and getting friendly to his old papa.????????????????????????.”
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It seems that Papa Dharmendra is very happy and satisfied with the recent bonding with his star son Sunny.
Earlier this year, Sunny shared a video with his dad Dharmendra where they were seen camping. In the video, the senior actor was seen all happy to be on a vacation with his ‘loving son’.
Sunny captioned the video, “Just the 2 of us. Building castles in the sky. Just the 2 of us. #fatherson @aapkadharam.” It seemed like Sunny was living his childhood all over again with his proud father Dharmendra.
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On the work front, Sunny Deol is a member of Lok Sabha and is contributing to the betterment of the country while Dharmendra is enjoying his old days with his family and friends by vacationing around the world.
Also Read: Sunny Deol and Anil Sharma begin prep on Gadar 2 in Manali, see photos
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