Vaani Kapoor has been making a fashion statements with her posts on her Instagram page every now and then. Vaani, who made her big debut with 2013's Shuddh Desi Romance, is often seen making stunning appearances at different events. But this time around it’s all about the big Bollywood shaadi where Vaani amazed with her hotness quotient.
Vaani donned the most simple yet regal outfit for her friend Anushka Ranjan's wedding. For one of the looks, she chose to style a simple mint toned organza lehenga from Arpita Mehta. Vaani looked all things stunning in the heavily embellished, plunge neck blouse with intricate designs and a sheer embroidered dupatta. Vaani’s makeup was shimmer toned with highlighter and soft waves. The Indian piece stood out as the colours perfectly complemented Vaani and the dupatta featured soft pearl embellishments.
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For another look, she looked like royalty in white. She opted for a milk white Manish Malhotra creation. She chose to wear a super cropped white choli with a heavy lehenga that featured detailed work and embroidery. The lehenga had exquisite embroidery all over the skirt with silver zari borders at the hem that stood out and made Vaani look like a million bucks. She completed the look with the simple sheer dupatta with threaded motifs and it was all worthwhile.
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Meanwhile, Vaani was last seen in Bell Bottom alongside Akshay Kumar. Apart from Akshay and Vaani, the film also stars Huma Qureshi and Lara Dutta in pivotal roles. The actress will be seen next in Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui.
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