Power couple Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma completes four years of togetherness day. On 11th December 2017, the couple tied the knot in Italy in the presence of only family members and close friends. On the occasion of their 4th wedding anniversary, Anushka Sharma made a special move on social media that has made everyone adore them even more.
Taking to Instagram, Anushka Sharma shared a bunch of pictures that feature several special moments they have spent together over the years. From spending time at home to taking their daughter Vamika for a day out to posing in an empty stadium, the pictures are really a treat for their fans. Sharing the pictures, Anushka also shared a heartfelt warm note dedicated to Virat. Anushka wrote, “There is no easy way out, there is no shortcut home. Your favourite song and words you’ve lived by always. These words hold true for everything including relationships. Takes tremendous courage to be the person you are in a world filled with perceptions and optics.”
She added, "Thank you for inspiring me when I needed it and for keeping your mind open when you needed to listen. Marriage of equals is only possible when both are secure. And you are the most secure man I know! Like I’ve said earlier, fortunate are those who really know the real you, the soul behind all the achievements, the man behind all the projections cast upon you.. May love, honesty, transparency and respect guide us always. P.S. : May we never stop goofin’ around. I love that about us".
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