Bollywood stars Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif, who have been in a relationship for a while, have officially tied the knot in a Punjabi ceremony in Rajasthan on December 9. The first pictures of the couple's wedding were long-awaited. The two shared the first pictures from their wedding ceremony on the night of Thursday. For the past three days, paparazzi were stationed outside Six Senses Fort Barwara waiting to click pictures of the newlywed. Vicky and Katrina included the paparazzi in their joy by sending sweets to be distributed to them after their marriage.
Soon after the wedding ceremony concluded, reporters and photojournalists waiting outside the venue were treated with laddoos and other sweets.
Meanwhile, Vicky and Katrina, who have been very private about their relationship and were careful to not be seen together in public, posted pictures from their marriage on Thursday. Sharing the picture, they wrote, "Only love and gratitude in our hearts for everything that brought us to this moment. Seeking all your love and blessings as we begin this new journey together."
On Friday morning, Katrina and Vicky were spotted taking a helicopter to Jaipur airport from where they will be taking a private plane to Mumbai. The newly married couple will be living together in a luxurious 4 BHK apartment in Juhu and will be neighbours to actress Anushka Sharma and cricketer Virat Kohli.
ALSO READ: Katrina Kaif-Vicky Kaushal snapped leaving for Jaipur airport in a helicopter from Sawai Madhopur
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