The beautiful Katrina Kaif tied the knot with actor Vicky Kaushal on December 9 at Six Senses hotel Barwara in Rajasthan’s Sawai Madhopur district. The first pictures were ethereally gorgeous. The newlyweds wore custom-made Sabyasachi Mukherji outfits for their big day. Sharing their first pictures on December 9, they both captioned the picture, "Only love and gratitude in our hearts for everything that brought us to this moment. Seeking all your love and blessings as we begin this new journey together."
On December 11, Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif shared first pictures from their haldi ceremony. For the festivities, Katrina wore a gorgeous beige lehenga whereas Vicky was smothered in haldi in dhoti and dupatta.
He was wearing sunglasses. The couple looked so in love. They captioned the photos as, "Shukr. Sabr. Khushi."
In pictures, you could see Sunny Kaushal, Katrina's mother and her sisters.
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While the wedding was a private affair with 120 guests in attendance, it is reported that the couple might host a wedding reception in Mumbai for their industry friends.
ALSO READ: Katrina Kaif-Vicky Kaushal Wedding: Sunny Kaushal welcomes his ‘Parjai ji’ to the family, wishes the newlywed couple lifelong of happiness
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