Bollywood stars Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal tied the knot on December 9, 2021, in the presence of their family and friends in Rajasthan's Six Senses Fort Barwara. The couple had limited guests owing to the COVID-19 protocol in place. Ever since their wedding, the couple has been sharing happy pictures from their wedding festivities. On Tuesday, the couple shared pictures from one of their pre-wedding festivities where the bride and groom wore outfits that paid homage to Katrina's mother’s heritage.
Sharing pictures from their pre-wedding shoot, Katrina wrote, "To love, honor and cherish".
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Sharing details about the outfit worn by Katrina, Sabyasachi shared, "Katrina Kaif pays tribute to her mother’s British heritage during the pre-wedding festivities. Sabyasachi conceptualised and created a vintage-inspired couture sari with a trailing veil. Silhouetted like a white wedding gown, the pastel tulle sari is embellished with hand-cut English flowers, embroidered by craftswomen from Bengal and liberally sprinkled with semi-precious gems and crystals. The ensemble took 40 artisans over 1800 hours to handcraft. The sari is paired with a statement uncut diamond choker detailed with opals and pale Russian emeralds, with matching earrings from Sabyasachi Heritage Jewellery.”
Further talking about Vicky’s attire, Sabyasachi revealed, “The groom also pays homage to the bride’s mother in a pastel Ashes of Rose coloured bandhgala with trousers in Merino wool with Sabyasachi gold plated Bengal Tiger buttons and custom-made juttis by Sabyasachi Accessories.”
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