Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor recalled the time he assisted director Sanjay Leela Bhansali on the sets of Black. Ranbir said that the way Sanjay treated him on the sets prepared him for the real world. Once Ranbir finished working as an assistant director on the sets of Black, he was launched by Sanjay in Saawariya, opposite actress Sonam Kapoor. He won the Filmfare Award for Best Male Debut for his performance in the film.
While speaking at an exhibition in the Capital-Delhi, Ranbir talked about whether the commercial facet takes prerogative over imaginativeness in films, as his uncle Randhir Kapoor said that ‘the Raj Kapoor era of films is over’. Randhir recollected how Raj ‘didn’t calculate money’ during the shoot of the film Bobby and got the rooftops of Gulmarg painted for the film.
Ranbir partially agreed but also upheld present-day directors. “Not saying that my generation of filmmakers are only running behind the commercial aspect… When I assisted Mr (Sanjay Leela) Bhansali (on Black), he used to really treat me as an assistant director. I used to be kneeling down for hours, he used to hit us, he used to abuse us… that only hardens you and prepares you for the world,” he said.
Nowadays, Ranbir is gearing up for the release of Ayan Mukerji’s Brahmastra, the first film of a proposed fantasy trilogy. It commemorates his first on-screen collaboration with Alia Bhatt and also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, Nagarjuna Akkineni and Dimple Kapadia.
Brahmaatra has been one of the most keenly awaited release since the day it was announced. It is Ranbir’s third film with Ayan; they have formerly worked together in Wake Up Sid and Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani. The film is all set for a theatrical release on September 9, 2022, after various production delays. Apart from Brahmastra, Ranbir also has Karan Malhotra’s Shamshera, Sandeep Vanga Reddy’s Animal and Luv Ranjan’s next.
Also Read: Brahmastra Motion Poster Launch: Ranbir Kapoor asks Alia Bhatt ‘Humari shaadi kab hogi?’
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