Zee TV recently returned with its most iconic, longest-running singing reality show that has stayed relevant to music lovers across the country - Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2021. The show started off with a bang and the talented contestants of this season have already managed to impress the audience. However, viewers are in for a special treat this Sunday as the gorgeous Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan and director Aanand L. Rai will appear as special guests on Sa Re Ga Ma Pa for Atrangi Re promotions.
While Sara and Aanand L Rai thoroughly enjoyed all the performances by the talented contestants, it was Rajshree Bag’s performance to the song 'Jab Hum Jawan Honge' that impressed them the most during the shoot. In fact, with the song originally featuring Sara’s beautiful mother Amrita Singh, the young actress got all nostalgic. In fact, she took to the stage and told Rajshree to sing the song once again so that she could perform a small dance act on the same. Host Aditya Narayan also joined her, and the duo danced beautifully together and left everyone spellbound while the contestant sang the song.
It was a treat to watch Sara recreating her mother’s popular steps on the song, but wait till you watch Sara dance with Deepayan and the other contestants and turn up the heat on Sa Re Ga Ma Pa. The contestants’ fantastic performances will also leave everyone mesmerised!
ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Sara Ali Khan uses this method to avoid overthinking
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