Bigg Boss 13 fame Shehnaaz Gill on Sunday took to social media to share a photo of late actor Sidharth Shukla, remembering him on his birth anniversary. Sidharth Shukla departed in September this year following a heart attack. On December 12, he would have turned 41.
In Shehnaaz’s post, a smiling Sidharth features as an angel. As soon as she uploaded the picture, Sidnaaz fans flooded the comments section with their wishes for Sidharth and Shehnaaz.
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This is the first time Shehnaaz has posted something related to Sidharth Shukla after the release of the song “Tu Yahin Hai” in October, which revisited SidNaaz’s moments from Bigg Boss 13. Apart from Shehnaaz, several celebrities paid their homage to the Broken But Beautiful 3 actor.
Vindu Dara Singh tweeted, “It’s the beautiful day when #SidharthShukla was born and the love for him will flow forever! Stay strong everyone as he is the brightest star in the heavens up above too now.”
Jaan Kumar Sanu also remembered Siddharth. “Happy Birthday King. You are loved. You are missed,” he said via Twitter.
In the latest episode of Bigg Boss 15, host Salman Khan also paid tribute to Siddarth Shukla by showcasing a video that comprised his time in Bigg Boss house.
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