Just a month ago, actor and model Milind Soman had landed in a controversy for his social media post on the day of his 55th birthday. Soman had shared a nude picture of himself running on a beach in Goa. An official complaint was filed against the actor for committing an obscene act in public. The picture was clicked by his wife Ankita Konwar.
Recently, in an interview with a daily, Milind said that discriminating a picture as art or obscenity is subjective and it changes every day. He said that if you search #naked on Instagram there will be more than 10 million photographs. He said that it is for people to decide; if they hashtagged naked and pressed the search button then it is their choice. He further said that if one does not search for it, they would not see it.
Soman added that he has been a part of nude photography as a model and has done it for films as well and he doesn't find it objectionable to post it on his Instagram handle. He said that if people do not want to follow him on social media they should not.
Milind further pointed out that Jennifer Lopez recently shared a naked picture on her 50th birthday and asked what do people have to say about that. He said that the line is in our head on what is art, vulgarity and obscenity and what is not.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Milind was last seen in the web series Four More Shots Please!. He will next be seen in Paurushpur. It will release on December 29 on Zee5 and ALT Balaji.
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