Actor Rahul Roy who had suffered a brain stroke while shooting for a film in Kargil is now recovering well. He was airlifted from Kargil and brought to Mumbai for treatment.
On Monday, the actor shared a bunch of pictures and videos from Nanavati hospital. In the video, Rahul is seen with his sister Pia Grace Roy and a friend who is seen telling how Rahul was now feeling much better. Sharing the pictures and video, Rahul wrote, "I am recovering. And thanks to all my friends, family and fans who are also like my family for pouring so much of love and prayers for me. Will be back soon. Love you all - Rahul Roy."
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He shared some more pictures from the hospital where he is seen with his sister Pia and brother Rohit from Canada. "Family love. Recovering. A picture from the hospital @nanavatihospital Will be back soon. Love you all Rahul Roy #rahulroy,” he wrote.
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The Aashiqui actor was shooting for LAC-Live the Battle directed by Nitin Kumar Gupta and produced by Chitra Vakil Sharma and Nivedita Basu.