Actors John Abraham and Emraan Hashmi starrer Mumbai Saga has released in theatres on Friday and opened at Rs. 2.82 crores on the first day. Ahead of the release of the film in theatres, the actors spoke to Bollywood Hungama on the films releasing in theatres now, digital platforms and why Mumbai Saga is a cinema experience.
There were talks between makers of the film and Amazon Prime Video for premiere of the film directly on OTT. Amid the theatres re-opening and following several discussions, the makers chose for theatre release first. Recently, John Abraham made a remark that it had become a common industry notion that an actor who is not confident of their film dumps it on OTT. He also said that almost 90 % of the movies that were released on OTT were bad. He said that he would not term Mumbai Saga as a spectacular film, but said that they are not worried about its failure.
Speaking of the same, John Abraham told Bollywood Hungama, “What I said was that our films is a cinema experience, we must put the film on big screen. The first window has to happen on OTT. Do I love the Netflix, Amazon, Jio, Hotstar of the world? Yes, totally! I think they provide us with an opportunity to make so much more credible content. I have no problem with that. Infact, I have produced a film that has gone directly to a platform, and I have absolutely no problem with them.”
Furthermore, he said, “I think my statement, I want to say this on record, was taken very out of context. I sometimes get deeply offended when things are put out of context. I think OTT is a blessing but I feel Mumbai Saga is a cinema experience. That is something Emraan and I also discussed when we saw the film that this film should release on the big screen and nowhere else. Thanks to Bhushan Kumar and Sanjay Gupta that it saw the release on big screen. I think there are films that meant for the platform, there are films meant for the festivals and there are films that are mean for the big screen. I think each film has got it its own place.”
Mumbai Saga, directed by Sanjay Gupta, is produced by Bhushan Kumar & Krishan Kumar (T-Series), Anuradha Gupta (White Feather Films) and Sangeeta Ahir.
John Abraham: “Emraan & my films have FAILED, but that doesn’t mean we’ve failed, there’s…”
Also Read: Sanjay Gupta reveals that John Abraham and Emraan Hashmi wanted a theatrical release for Mumbai Saga
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