Actress Deepika Singh, who shot to fame when she essayed the role of Sandhya in Star Plus's popular drama Diya Aur Baat Hum opposite Anas Rashid, got a lot of backlashing and trolling for her recent dance video.
As Cyclone Tauktae has severely affected the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Goa, netizens have been advised not to step out of their homes to avoid any mishap. But, recently Deepika Singh posted a dance video dancing in front of an uprooted tree.
In the video, Deepika was seen excitingly stepping outside in the rain while her husband Rohit Raj Goyal was shooting the video. Deepika was seen wearing a multi-coloured short midi dress. In the video, she was dancing to the tunes of Shor In The City’s song ‘Saibo’. She captioned the video, "Bola thana life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s learning to dance in the rain."
Apart from the video, Deepika also shared pictures of getting captured in front of the tree and wrote "You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself, embrace nature and it’s gloomy moods because the storm will pass. Ps: This tree fell right outside my house nobody got hurt, but while putting it away from my door, Rohit and I managed to take few pictures to remember.”
Well, soon after the actress posted the pictures and video, she received a lot of backlash and criticism from netizens for stepping outside in such critical times. Netizens called her tone-deaf for posting such content while people were losing their homes amid the cyclone.
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