Akshay Kumar on Tuesday took to his Instagram handle to share a picture with Rohit Shetty in ‘Jai-Veeru’ style. As Akshay and Katrina Kaif starrer Sooryavanshi is all set for its Diwali release, the team is quite busy in the promotion of the film.
In the picture, Rohit can be seen riding a bike while Akshay is standing behind him. They can be seen flashing their million-dollar smiles. Akshay’s caption read, “Our Jai-Veeru moment, when @itsrohitshetty took a break from blowing up cars ????????But for mind-blowing action, do catch #Sooryavanshi in cinemas on 5th November. #3DaysToSooryavanshi #BackToCinemas”
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As the release date is coming closer, the makers are busy urging the audience to return to cinemas. The film which was wrapped up early, waited for a theatrical release and finally after two years the Rohit Shetty directorial is releasing on the big screens.
Sooryavanshi also stars Ranveer Singh and Ajay Devgn in special appearances.
Also Read: REVEALED: Here’s why Sooryavanshi is NOT releasing on Thursday in U.A.E
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