Actress Neena Gupta will appear as a special guest on Kaun Banega Crorepati 13's Shaandaar Shukriya episode. During the episode, Neena will open up on how she bagged her role in the Ayushmann Khurrana and Sanya Malhotra starrer film Badhaai Ho. In the film, Neena played the central character of Ayushmann’s mother who is an old-age woman about to reach her menopause and gets pregnant.
Neena reveals that it all began when she read the script of the film. After going through the script, the actress was quite impressed and was waiting for a call back from the director. However, she didn't receive any calls in the following days.
Meanwhile, things took a new turn when she was called to visit the director of the film, Amit Sharma in his office. Revealing the incident, Neena says, "Amit called me to his office after a week and ten days. When I went there, I asked his assistant, 'What should I wear so that he thinks I fit into the character?' I was told that that character is from a middle-class family so I should wear a salwar kameez. I had some stylish salwar kameez but here, I had to wear normal salwar kameez".
The actress further reveals, "Then I got the kameez, but didn't have the salwar, the normal salwar. I was wondering what to do? I then wore my house cook's salwar because it was a normal and simple white colour salwar. I went there (to Amit Sharma's office), wearing my chunni and salwar kameez and I told him, 'Sir am I looking alright, I am wearing my house help's salwar he looked quite impressed by me."
Taking further about the incident Neena also revealed that she was not the first choice for the character as she looked 'too hot to be a mom. She said, "I then got to know later that when everyone would sit, and talk, Ayushmann Khurrana felt that I should not play the part because I don't look like a mom. He said, 'She's too hot!' He didn't get the 'Mummy' feeling looking at me.”
Lastly, she revealed how did finally she was locked for the role, "Someone then told Amit, that I had done a short film with Jackie Shroff called, 'Khujli', a 15-minute short. In that I had an almost similar attire. He watched that, then showed it to Ayushmann and everyone else. That is how I was locked into the role."
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