The much-anticipated film 83, starring Ranveer Singh in the lead, had its world premiere at the Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah on Wednesday, 15 December. At the festival, 83 received a standing ovation from the audience. A video from the event featuring Ranveer Singh has been doing the rounds on the internet. In the clip, Ranveer can be seen rejoicing after watching the audience's reaction. Seeing the reaction from the audience, he also claps to reciprocate the humble gesture.
Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, 83 film director Kabir Khan along with his wife Mini Mathur made a grand appearance at the ongoing Jeddah Film Festival recently. The stars along with former cricket legend Kapil Dev and his wife Romi marked their presence at the festival where 83 was also screened for the audience.
Standing ovation and applauds at the end of the movie premier of 83 staring @RanveerOfficial and @deepikapadukone at the Red Sea Film Festival. Kudos to @kabirkhankk and team for the brilliant work. And the man himself Kapil Dev for his performance in 1983
— Helmifaisal (@mhelmifaisal) December 15, 2021
Helmed by Kabir Khan, 83 is produced by Reliance Entertainment. The film which is based on India's historic win at the 1983 World Cup is slated for a theatrical release on 24 December 2021.
ALSO READ:BREAKING: Ranveer Singh-starrer 83 passed with ‘U’ certificate and ZERO cuts by the CBFC
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